From 📍 Birmingham New Street Station, United Kingdom to ➡️ Bull Street tram stop, United Kingdom

Get ready for a fun trip from Birmingham New Street, 6a 7a, Chinese Quarter, Digbeth, Attwood Green, Birmingham, West Midlands Combined Authority, England, B2 4PX, United Kingdom to Bull Street, Upper Bull Street, Digbeth, Attwood Green, Birmingham, West Midlands Combined Authority, England, B4 6AD, United Kingdom. This journey is great for friends or family who like taking turns driving or traveling together.

How far? Driving distance is 3.87 kilometers (2.41 miles)

How long? About 8 min by car

Walking time: 46 minutes (based on an average walking speed of 5 km/h)

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You'll have all the details for your journey from the vibrant Birmingham New Street, 6a 7a, Chinese Quarter, Digbeth, Attwood Green, Birmingham, West Midlands Combined Authority, England, B2 4PX, United Kingdom to the energetic Bull Street, Upper Bull Street, Digbeth, Attwood Green, Birmingham, West Midlands Combined Authority, England, B4 6AD, United Kingdom, ensuring a smooth adventure ahead. Enjoy your trip! Travel options include Car, Public Transport, or any other preferred method.

Drive Cost Calculator - Birmingham New Street Station to Bull Street tram stop

Miles: Kilometers:
Vehicle Mileage (MPG): Vehicle Mileage (L/100km):
Fuel Price (USD/gallon): Fuel Price (EUR/litre):
Fuel Usage (gallons): Fuel Usage (litres):
Cost One-way (USD): Cost One-way (EUR):
Cost Round Trip (USD): Cost Round Trip (EUR):

Directions from Birmingham New Street Station, United Kingdom to Bull Street tram stop, United Kingdom

Halfway Point Location between Birmingham New Street Station and Bull Street tram stop

Searching for the perfect stopover on your drive between Birmingham New Street Station and Bull Street tram stop? Below, discover comprehensive details about the ideal halfway point to enhance your journey, whether you're seeking rest, a meal, or a bit of exploration.

Field Value
NeighbourhoodChinese Quarter
VillageAttwood Green
State DistrictWest Midlands Combined Authority
PostcodeB3 3AY
CountryUnited Kingdom
Country Codegb
GPS (D° M' S")52° 28' 51.780" N
1° -54' 19.296" W

Birmingham New Street Station, United Kingdom

Geographical Coordinates (D° M' S") 52° 28' 39.525" N
1° -53' 55.298" W
Latitude 52.4776459
Longitude -1.898694

Bull Street tram stop, United Kingdom

Geographical Coordinates (D° M' S") 52° 28' 55.237" N
1° -53' 47.293" W
Latitude 52.4820102
Longitude -1.8964703

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From Birmingham New Street Station

From Bull Street tram stop