Distance from College Grove, TN to Nashville, TN

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Distance from College Grove, TN to Nashville, TN: A Comprehensive Guide

Traveling between College Grove and Nashville in Tennessee can be an exciting journey. This comprehensive guide will cover various modes of transportation, their respective distances, times, costs, and the pros and cons of each option.


College Grove, a picturesque town in Williamson County, and Nashville, the vibrant capital of Tennessee, are two distinct locales separated by a relatively short distance. Whether you're a tourist, business traveler, or a local resident, it's essential to know your best options for travel between these two places.

The Actual Distance

The distance from College Grove, TN to Nashville, TN is approximately 35 miles (56.3 kilometers) when traveling by road.

Traveling by Various Modes

There are multiple ways to travel between College Grove and Nashville. Let's break down each mode.

By Car

Driving your own vehicle offers flexibility and comfort.

Route Plan

From College Grove, get on I-840 W from Horton Hwy and US-431 N. Merge with I-840 W. Take I-65 N to Rosa L Parks Blvd in Nashville. Take exit 85 from I-65 N. Drive to Church St in Nashville.


Miles Kilometers Travel Time Approximate Cost (fuel)
35 56.3 45-60 minutes $5-$10

By Bus

Opting for a bus can be cost-effective and environmentally friendly 😊.


Miles Kilometers Travel Time Approximate Cost
35 56.3 60-75 minutes $2-$5

By Taxi

A taxi is convenient, especially if you're looking for door-to-door service 🚖.


Miles Kilometers Travel Time Approximate Cost
35 56.3 45-60 minutes $50-$70

By Plane

Considering the close proximity, flying is not a common or practical mode. However, if you're connecting from other destinations, Nashville International Airport (BNA) is the go-to. ✈️


Miles Kilometers Travel Time Approximate Cost

Exploring Your Surroundings

Once you've made your journey from College Grove to Nashville, it's essential to immerse yourself in the vibrant city's cultural, historical, and entertainment offerings.

Nashville's Must-Visit Spots

Nashville, often referred to as the 'Music City', is renowned for its deep-rooted musical history. Here are some must-visit spots:

The Grand Ole Opry

The iconic venue that has showcased the talents of countless legendary artists over the decades. A must for country music enthusiasts! 🎶

Broadway Street

The heart of Nashville's entertainment district, where you can find a mix of live music, bars, and authentic Southern eateries. Perfect for an evening stroll. 🌃

The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum

Dive deep into the history of country music and its legendary artists. A treat for music historians! 🎸

Food and Drink in Nashville

No trip is complete without indulging in the local cuisine.

Nashville's Hot Chicken

A local delicacy, this spicy fried chicken is a must-try. Just remember to keep a cold drink on hand! 🍗🌶️

Southern BBQ

Succulent, smoky, and dripping in flavor, Nashville's BBQ joints are a haven for meat-lovers. 🍖

Local Breweries

Enjoy a cold brew from one of the many local breweries that Nashville has to offer. Perfect for relaxing after a day of sightseeing. 🍻

Tips for Travelers

When traveling between College Grove and Nashville, keep these helpful hints in mind:

Wrapping Up

The journey from College Grove to Nashville, regardless of your chosen mode of transportation, is just the beginning of an adventure. With its rich musical legacy, mouthwatering cuisine, and warm Southern hospitality, Nashville promises an unforgettable experience. So, strap on your boots, and let the rhythm of the Music City guide you! 🎵❤️

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